Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2 year pictures

We had Paiges 2 yr pictures taken on Saturday... what an adventure. We went to Kelly B. Photography. Kelly is the wife of a guy I work with. She has a full time job with Hormel and just does photography on the side. Paige being the 2 year old that she is didn't want to sit still. Why did I think this was going to be easy? We were there for 2 hours and I chased Paige around pretty much the whole time trying to get her in front of the camera to at least get a couple good shots. 3 or 4 nice pictures is all I could ask for and Kelly said she thinks she got about 6 or 8 "really good ones". I hope she's right, because I sure don't want to go back and try again! It's exhausting trying to chase Paige around like that!!!! She had some blocks there that Paige was playing with so I think she got a few good ones then. We will see. She was supposed to edit a couple and send me them over email to see what I thought, but I haven't seen them yet. Hopefully tomorrow. She said it should take about a week to get them all edited and get the CD to me, so I am really hoping it doesn't take any longer than that! I am really anxious to see these pics!! When I get them I will for sure post a couple on here for you all to see!

Otherwise... going to Prescott/River Falls this weekend. Rocky is playing basketball with his buddies and I will be going to dinner and out to DTRF with Alissa to celebrate our birthdays. Liss' big day is next month, but since she HOPEFULLY won't be able to drink by then we just decided to celebrate when I come up this weekend. Should be a good time! Hopefully Granger can come out and celebrate with us also, but she wasn't sure yet as she had some tentitive plans for the weekend that she wasn't sure were going to pan out. I am excited to see my girls again!

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