Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 5, 2010

20 weeks!

I am half way done!! The time has just flown by so far, and now that I am getting bigger and feeling him kick from both the inside and the outside I am sure the 2nd half will go even faster! Can't wait to see my new little man! I had my 20 week appt. on Friday. Everything was great. I gained 4 lbs over the month which would be ok but since I was overweight in the first place I probably need to try and watch it a little more. I only want to gain 25 lbs at the most since that is what I gained with Paige and that was gone a week after delivery. So far I have gained 10 lbs. His heartrate was 154 on Friday also. I go back for our follow up ultrasound for the spine pictures on Monday the 19th and then my 24 week appt is Friday the 30th. I am feeling pretty good, though starting to feel more pregnant now that I am bigger. Won't be able to tie my shoes for long!! :)

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