I am now 24 weeks! I had another ultrasound since last time I wrote and Hayden is still a boy and everything looked good. Yeah! Had my 24 week appt this last Friday and everything is good except the weight issue. I need to start watching what I eat because I gained 10, yes 10, pounds over the last month. Yuck. I am also measuring a little large according to my doctor but I did with Paige too so he is thinking it may be the same thing with the too much amniotic fluid. I hope that's it. So I have to have another ultrasound which is scheduled for June 4th to measure the fluid levels. My next regular appt is May 28th when I will also do the 1 hour glucose test for gestational diabetes. I didn't the GD with Paige so I am hoping to stay away from it again. Otherwise everything is great with Hayden. He was measuring just over a pound at my ultrasound 2 weeks ago so I am sure he is getting close to 1 1/2 pounds if not more by now. I can't believe my due date is less than 4 months away already!
In Paige news, we had a little scare with her a couple weeks ago. She got quite sick and after a couple days of her just laying around feeling crappy I noticed her hands and feet had a rash and were puffy. Then her face had a rash. That was enough for me to take her into urgent care where the diagnosed her with Hand, Foot and Mouth disease and sent us home and that was it. Well that wasn't it. A few days later she still wasn't herself and that weekend just layed around. She also had a fever this whole time that would go away with Motrin but as soon as that wore off the fever would come back. We took her in to see her regular doctor the next day where they did a chest xray and some blood tests and an exam. Just as we got home from the clinic the nurse called and told us we needed to go up to the ER at Mayo Clinic in Rochester because Paiges levels for a bunch of different things were off from her blood test. This freaked us out a lot and we made the trek up to Mayo right away. Paiges Dr. in Austin said she thought it might be Kawasaki disease but she wasn't sure and they don't have the technology to treat it in Austin anyway so that is why they had us go to Mayo. After a multitude of tests at Mayo they determined it probably wasn't Kawasaki and sent us home with instructions to come back the next day and see the pediatric infectuous disease specialist. I took off part of the day of work and Paige and I headed up to Mayo to see him. They did another test or 2 on her and that dr. ruled out the Kawasaki disease. He did call us the next day with the rest of her test results and determined that among several bacterial infections she had something called Adnoe Virus. He switched the antibiotics she was on to something a lot stronger to kill all the bacteria/virus and now 2 weeks later she is just fine and back to normal. We are very thankful she is better, if it would have been Kawasaki it would have been pretty serious and she would have had about a week hospital stay.
Phew! That was a long post, but a lot has gone on in the last month or so! I will update more after my next dr. appt.
13 years ago