Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Well we had a busy last month or so. Christmas of course brought visits to my parents and Rockys parents to celebrate which we had a great time. Paige and Hayden got TONS of stuff, and Rocky and I got some good stuff too! Paige turned 4 on Jan. 5th and we threw a birthday party for her the weekend of the 8th. She picked a Barbie theme for her party and she had a great time and got lots more toys and clothes. My family sans Chris and Steph were here for the weekend and Rockys parents and little brother came for the party that day too. A good time was had by all and Paige is still talking about/ asking for her Bugs Bunny cake that my Mom made. She did an AWESOME job. I will have to upload some pictures from the day when I have more time. My birthday was the 11th so Rocky took me out to a nice fancy dinner at the Old Mill restaurant in town. Always awesome food and I make it a point every time I am there to try a new different beer. This time I had one from Chicago and it was delicious. :)
Otherwise, not much else is new with us. Hayden is growing like a weed and was right around 17lbs and 27inches long at his 4 month check up. We get comments such as "Wow, he is a good size 4 month old, isn't he?" and "That kid is going to be a linebacker!" which we think is funny. He is a very solid kid, but not fat. Paige at this age was just a little ball with a head and arms and legs but Hayden is more "built" for a lack of a better word. He is all smiles all the time and such a little sweetheart. He also recently started rolling over last weekend!

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